Upgrading to 3.5x

Backup your existing installation


* Assuming you have installed FluidFlow3 to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flite\FluidFlow3", backup all the files in this folder.


* Open "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flite\FluidFlow3\PSFF.INI" in a text editor (e.g., Notepad) and make a backup of the files/folders in the locations pointed to by the DataFolder, PreferencesFolder, and NetworkAccessFolder entries, e.g., "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Flite\FluidFlow3\Data", "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Flite\FluidFlow3\Preferences", and "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Flite\FluidFlow3" respectively.



  1. On a network installation, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flite\FluidFlow3" and "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Flite\FluidFlow3" will likely be replaced with the server name and shares, e.g., \\ServerName\FluidFlow3App and \\ServerName\FluidFlow3.
  2. If your FluidFlow3 installation is version 3.31 or higher, and you don't have a PSFF.INI file in your FluidFlow3 installation folder, the application will default to "[Public Documents]\Flite\FluidFlow3\Data", "[Public Documents]\Flite\FluidFlow3\Preferences", and "[Public Documents]\Flite\FluidFlow3" for the DataFolder, PreferencesFolder, and NetworkAccessFolder, respectively. The "[Public Documents]" folder may vary depending on your version of Windows, but it typically is "C:\Users\Public\Documents".
  3. If your FluidFlow3 installation is version 3.30 or lower, and you don't have a PSFF.INI file in your FluidFlow3 installation folder, the application will default to the "[FluidFlow3 installation]" folder for the location of the NetworkAccessFolder, the "[FluidFlow3 installation]\DATA" folder for the DataFolder, and the "[FluidFlow3 installation]\Preferences" folder for the PreferencesFolder.





* Download FF3SETUP.EXE from our portal site: https://portal.fluidflowinfo.com


* You will require your username and password to access this site. Please contact sales@fluidflowinfo.com if you do not know your username/password.


* When you login, click on the link to download 'FluidFlow3 Setup (exe)'.



  1. If you previously installed FluidFlow3 using the ZIP method, please download "FluidFlow3 (zip)" instead to upgrade.





* Run FF3SETUP.EXE from the machine you originally installed FluidFlow3 on.


* FF3SETUP.EXE will find the existing FluidFlow3 installation and update all the files in the original FluidFlow3 installation folder, e.g., the PSFF.EXE, Help files, Default folder, etc.



  1. On a network installation, you should not run the FF3SETUP.EXE program over your LAN/WAN, but instead run it physically from the server (or via Remote Desktop/similar software).
  2. The upgrade will not overwrite your DATA folder files. In version 3.50 we've moved from the DBISAM-based database to JSON-based files. When converting your old DBISAM data, we create new FDB (FluidFlow Database) files using the existing data; we DO NOT modify anything in the existing DBISAM data, we just copy it to the new format.
  3. The upgrade will not overwrite your Preferences folder files. In version 3.50 we've moved to Unicode-based files to support different languages/character sets. We do not modify any of the existing environment set (.FFS) files in your Preferences folder; instead we copy these to the new Unicode format into their own 3500/3510 subfolder under the Preferences folder.