This could be an issue with the NAF files that track the licenses. To fix:
· Ensure no-one is running FluidFlow.
· Find and delete all AM*.NAF files, i.e., AM1.NAF, AM2.NAF, etc., from the "NetworkAccessFolder". I don't know what version of FluidFlow you initially installed, but to find the location of the NetworkAccessFolder:
- If a PSFF.INI - a text readable file - has been created in the FluidFlow application folder, the NetworkAccessFolder entry will point to the folder where the .NAF files are.
- If using FluidFlow v3.31 or lower, and there is no PSFF.INI | NetworkAccessFolder entry, the .NAF files will be in the application folder.
- If using FluidFlow v3.32 or higher, and there is no PSFF.INI | NetworkAccessFolder entry, the .NAF files will be in the "Public Documents" folder (typically, C:\Users\Public\Documents\Flite\FluidFlow3).
· Restart FluidFlow.