Database for all booster type can be added with new manufacturer information. For
Centrifugal pump or a Fan-or-Compressor component, applicable curves such as
Capacity vs. Head, Efficiency and N-P-S-H-R curve data can be added on the database.
In addition, operating speed, actual impeller size and their Minimum and Maximum
limits are also specified in the database. This enables users to effectively simulate the
effect of changing pump speed or impeller size from the Input tab of the data palette.
For positive displacement type boosters, these types do not need their curves
specified on the database. For Both a PD pump or compressor or a Rotating PD Pump
component, the inputs are almost the same for both except for the latter a defined
viscosity limit and slip data is required and Internal efficiency correction is not
needed. Similar with the centrifugal booster components, the max operating speed is
also specified on the database to enable users to effectively simulate the effect of
changing operating speed from the Input tab of the data palette.